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In this document, we will discuss the steps needed to perform imputation using the PHG:

  1. Export hVCF data
  2. Index k-mers from exported hVCF data
  3. Map short reads
  4. Find paths


The steps detailed in this document build on the materials from the "Building and Loading" documentation. Please review this if you have not worked with the PHG before!

Quick start

  • Get list of samples to export:

    phg list-samples \
        --db-path /my/db/uri \
        --data-set hvcf \
        --output-file /my/sample_names.txt

  • Export hVCF data:

    phg export-vcf \
        --db-path /my/db/uri \
        --dataset-type hvcf \
        --sample-file /my/sample_names.txt \
        --output-dir /my/hvcf/dir

  • Index k-mers:

    phg build-kmer-index \
        --db-path /my/db/uri \
        --hvcf-dir /my/hvcf/dir

  • Map short reads

    phg map-kmers \
        --hvcf-dir /my/hvcf/dir \
        --kmer-index /my/hvcf/dir/kmerIndex.txt \
        --key-file /my/path/keyfile \
        --output-dir /my/mapping/dir

  • Find paths

    phg find-paths \
        --path-keyfile /my/path/keyfile \
        --hvcf-dir /my/hvcf/dir \
        --reference-genome /my/ref/genome \
        --path-type haploid \
        --output-dir /my/imputed/hvcfs

  • OPTIONAL: Get SNPs from imputed hVCFs

    phg hvcf2gvcf \
        --hvcf-dir /my/imputed/hvcfs \
        --db-path /my/db/uri \
        --reference-file /my/ref/genome \
        --output-dir /my/gvcf/dir

Detailed walkthrough

hVCF export


This step is currently needed, but will be removed in the future as we can do direct connections to the hVCF TileDB instance.

Where we last left off in the "Build and Load" steps, we had an example directory that looks similar to the following:

├── data
│   ├── anchors.gff
│   ├── Ref-v5.fa
│   ├── LineA-final-01.fa
│   └── LineB-final-04.fa
├── output
│   ├── alignment_files/
│   ├── ref_ranges.bed
│   ├── updated_assemblies
│   │   ├── Ref.fa
│   │   ├── LineA.fa
│   │   └── LineB.fa
│   └── vcf_files/
└── vcf_dbs
    ├── assemblies.agc
    ├── gvcf_dataset/
    ├── hvcf_dataset/
    ├── hvcf_files/
    ├── reference/
    └── temp/


The following steps in the rest of this document will assume we are in the top level of our phg_v2_example working directory.

For this example imputation pipeline, we will be using haplotypes generated from two samples in our database:

  • LineA
  • LineB

If you do not have hVCF files for samples you wish to impute against already generated, we will first need to export this haplotype data in the form of hVCF data from the TileDB instance. This is done using the export-vcf command:

./phg export-vcf \
    --db-path vcf_dbs \
    --dataset-type hvcf \
    --sample-file /my/sample_names.txt \
    --output-dir output/vcf_files
This command takes in 4 parameters:

  • --db-path - path to directory storing the TileDB instances. The AGC compressed genomes will be placed here on completion.
  • --dataset-type - the type of dataset to export. In this case, we are exporting the hVCF data.
  • --sample-file - text file with list of sample names to export, one per line.
  • --output-dir - the directory to place the exported hVCF files.

In our above example, we use the --sample-file parameter, but if your sample list is small, you can use the --sample-names parameter. An example of a sample file is as follows:

$ cat sample_names.txt


Example command using --sample-names parameter:

./phg export-vcf \
    --db-path vcf_dbs \
    --dataset-type hvcf \
    --sample-names LineA,LineB \
    --output-dir output/vcf_files

After the export command, our directory structure will have new files added to the vcf_files directory:

├── data
│   ├── anchors.gff
│   ├── Ref-v5.fa
│   ├── LineA-final-01.fa
│   └── LineB-final-04.fa
├── output
│   ├── alignment_files/
│   ├── ref_ranges.bed
│   ├── updated_assemblies
│   │   ├── Ref.fa
│   │   ├── LineA.fa
│   │   └── LineB.fa
│   └── vcf_files
│       ├── LineA.h.vcf *
│       └── LineB.h.vcf *
└── vcf_dbs
    ├── assemblies.agc
    ├── gvcf_dataset/
    ├── hvcf_dataset/
    ├── hvcf_files/
    ├── reference/
    └── temp/

K-mer indexing

In order to run the later k-mer read mapping steps (and run them quickly with a low memory footprint!), we will first need to build an index containing all 31 bp length k-mers identified in the haplotypes exported from the prior step and store this as a flat file. This is performed using the build-kmer-index command:

./phg build-kmer-index \
    --db-path vcf_dbs \
    --hvcf-dir output/vcf_files

This command has 2 required parameters and 1 optional parameter that I will specify for example purposes:

  • --db-path - path to directory storing the TileDB instances and assemblies.agc file made in the "Compress FASTA files" section of the "Build and Load" documentation.
  • --hvcf-dir - the directory containing the hVCF files. This is the output directory from the export-vcf command. Right now this is required, but will be optional in the future.
  • --index-file (optional) - The full path of the k-mer index file. If not specified, the default path will be:
  • <--hvcf-dir input>/kmerIndex.txt
  • In my case, this would be output/vcf_files/kmerIndex.txt

Running build-kmer-index creates an index file and a diagnostic file, kmerIndexStatistics.txt, that is written to the same directory as the index file. Since we have used defaults, a new index file and a statistics file will show in the following output/vcf_files directory of our example:

├── data
│   ├── anchors.gff
│   ├── Ref-v5.fa
│   ├── LineA-final-01.fa
│   └── LineB-final-04.fa
├── output
│   ├── alignment_files/
│   ├── ref_ranges.bed
│   ├── updated_assemblies
│   │   ├── Ref.fa
│   │   ├── LineA.fa
│   │   └── LineB.fa
│   └── vcf_files
│       ├── kmerIndex.txt *
│       ├── kmerIndexStatistics.txt *
│       ├── LineA.h.vcf
│       └── LineB.h.vcf
└── vcf_dbs
    ├── assemblies.agc
    ├── gvcf_dataset/
    ├── hvcf_dataset/
    ├── hvcf_files/
    ├── reference/
    └── temp/

Optional parameters

In addition to --index-file, this command can take other optional parameters:

Parameter name Description Default value
--max-hap-proportion Only k-mers mapping to less than or equal to maxHapProportion of haplotypes in a reference range will be retained. 0.75
--max-arg-length The maximum argument length for a call to the AGC program. 200000
--no-diagnostics or -n A flag that eliminates the diagnostic report the report is written


If you get an error caused by a call to AGC being too long, try reducing the --max-arg-length value.

The following optional parameters affect how k-mers are pre-filtered to determine which are used for indexing. They would only need to be adjusted if the number of k-mers in the index is too low or too high:

Parameter name Description Default value
--hash-mask In conjunction with --hash-filter, used to mask k-mers for filtering. Default uses only the last k-mer nucleotide. Only change this value unless you know what you are doing. 3
--hash-filter Only hashes that pass the filter ((hashValue and hashMask) == hashFilter) will be considered. Only change this value unless you know what you are doing. 1

Kmer index diagnostics

Looking at kmer counts by reference range can help determine if diagnostic kmers provide adequate coverage for mapping or if there are reference ranges or genomic regions with inadequate coverage. One potential issue is that similar sequence could be assigned to adjacent reference ranges in different assemblies instead of to the same range. This could result in the kmers being discarded because they map to adjacent ranges. The column "adjacentCount" lists, for each reference range, the number of kmers discarded because they were detected in the previous reference range.

Read mapping

Now that we have a generated k-mer index file, we can efficiently align short reads against the PHG using the map-kmers command. To demonstrate this, I will retrieve some example data from our PHGv2 GitHub test directory. The files I will be using from this directory for this walkthrough will be the following:

  • LineA_LineB_1.fq
  • LineA_LineB_2.fq

These files are simulated paired-end (e.g., _1.fq and _2.fq) short reads with a length of 150 bps in FASTQ format. I will place these files under the data directory in sub folder called short_reads:

├── data
│   └── short_reads          *
│   │   ├── LineA_LineB_1.fq *
│   │   └── LineA_LineB_2.fq * 
│   ├── anchors.gff
│   ├── Ref-v5.fa
│   ├── LineA-final-01.fa
│   └── LineB-final-04.fa
├── output
│   ├── alignment_files/
│   ├── ref_ranges.bed
│   ├── updated_assemblies
│   │   ├── Ref.fa
│   │   ├── LineA.fa
│   │   └── LineB.fa
│   └── vcf_files
│       ├── kmerIndex.txt
│       ├── LineA.h.vcf
│       └── LineB.h.vcf
└── vcf_dbs
    ├── assemblies.agc
    ├── gvcf_dataset/
    ├── hvcf_dataset/
    ├── hvcf_files/
    ├── reference/
    └── temp/

Now that we have both short read data and our k-mer index file, we can pass these to the map-kmers command:

./phg map-kmers \
    --hvcf-dir output/vcf_files \
    --key-file data/key_files/read_mapping_data.txt \
    --output-dir output/read_mappings

This command has the following parameters:

  • --hvcf-dir - the directory containing the hVCF files.
  • --key-file - a tab-delimited list of FASTQ files for a collection of samples.
    • In the above example, I have made a keyfile and placed it in a subdirectory under the data folder called key_files.
    • My example keyfile would look like the following:
      sampleName  filename  filename2
      LineA_B data/short_reads/LineA_LineB_1.fq  data/short_reads/LineA_LineB_2.fq
    • If you have more than one sample, you would place additional lines at the bottom of the keyfile. For example:
      sampleName  filename  filename2
      LineA_B data/short_reads/LineA_LineB_1.fq  data/short_reads/LineA_LineB_2.fq
      CrossC data/short_reads/cross_c_1.fq  data/short_reads/cross_c_2.fq
      CrossD data/short_reads/cross_d_1.fq  data/short_reads/cross_d_2.fq
    • ℹ️ Note
      The keyfile for this parameter needs column names. If you are using single-reads, the column names would be: sampleName and filename. If you have paired-end reads (like the example above), the column names would be sampleName, filename, and filename2.

    • ℹ️ Note
      File names must be of type "FASTQ". In other words, files must end in the permitted extensions: .fq, .fq.gz, .fastq, and .fastq.gz.

  • --output-dir - the directory to place the read-mapping files.
  • --kmer-index (optional) - the k-mer index file created by the build-kmer-index command.
    • ℹ️ Note
      The --kmer-index parameter should only be used if you specify a given name and path for your k-mer index file generated in the last step. If you have chosen the "default" option (i.e., leaving this blank), the map-kmer command will automatically detect the kmerIndex.txt file found in the directory specified by the --hvcf-dir parameter.


If you do not want to create a keyfile and only have one sample, you can replace the --key-file parameter with the --read-files parameter. This parameter will take the paths to the FASTQ reads as a comma separated list.

For example, if we were to modify the prior example, the command structure would look like the following:

./phg map-kmers \
   --hvcf-dir output/vcf_files \
   --kmer-index output/kmer_index.txt \
   --read-files data/short_reads/LineA_LineB_1.fq,data/short_reads/LineA_LineB_2.fq \
   --output-dir output/read_mappings 


If no value is passed to the --kmer-index parameter, it will default to <--hvcf-dir value>/kmerIndex.txt, the default value used by the build-kmer-index command. If a non-default value was used for the --index-file parameter in build-kmer-index, that same value needs to be set here for the --kmer-index parameter.

Optional parameters

The Map Kmers command can take the following optional parameters:

Parameter name Description Default value
--threads Number of threads used for mapping 5
--min-proportion-of-max-count Minimum proportion of the maximum kmer count for a read to be considered a match 1.0
--min-proportion-same-reference-range Minimum proportion of the read that must align to the same reference range 0.9


We have removed --limit-single-ref-range as it introduces a very high error rate. map-kmers will only use kmers from a single reference range for each read.

Now that we have performed k-mer mapping, we will have a new read-mapping file in our example working directory that will be used for the path finding algorithm in the next step:

├── data
│   └── short_reads
│   │   ├── LineA_LineB_1.fq
│   │   └── LineA_LineB_2.fq
│   ├── anchors.gff
│   ├── Ref-v5.fa
│   ├── LineA-final-01.fa
│   └── LineB-final-04.fa
├── output
│   ├── alignment_files/
│   ├── ref_ranges.bed
│   ├── updated_assemblies
│   │   ├── Ref.fa
│   │   ├── LineA.fa
│   │   └── LineB.fa
│   ├── vcf_files
│   │   ├── LineA.h.vcf
│   │   └── LineB.h.vcf
│   └── read_mappings                     *
│       └── LineA_LineB_1_readMapping.txt *
└── vcf_dbs
    ├── assemblies.agc
    ├── gvcf_dataset/
    ├── hvcf_dataset/
    ├── hvcf_files/
    ├── reference/
    └── temp/


The naming scheme for the read-mapping files follows the first sample in the keyfile or comma-delimited list and: 1. strips the path and FASTQ extension text 2. adds the readMapping.txt suffix to the stripped sample name

Additionally, \(n\) amount of files will be generated for \(n\) amount of short read samples found in the keyfile or comma-delimited list. For example, if you have 3 samples you are trying to impute, 3 read mapping files will be generated in the given output.

Find Paths

find-paths is the command used to impute paths through a HaplotypeGraph object based on a set of read-mappings. The method uses read-mapping files generated by the map-kmers command. Running find-paths uses the Viterbi algorithm to solve a hidden Markov model (HMM) to identify the set of haplotypes most likely to have generated the observed read-mappings. Two path types are implemented:

  • haploid - A haploid path is a single path through the graph.
  • diploid - A diploid path is two paths through the graph that jointly explain the read-mappings.

Input files

find-paths can take either read-mapping files generated by the command map-kmers or FASTQ files of sequence reads. If FASTQ files are used, map-kmers is run to generate read-mappings but the intermediate read-mapping files are not saved. To save a copy of the read-mapping files, map-kmers and find-paths must be run separately. For more information, please refer to the prior "Read Mapping" section for additional input details.


If you using read-mapping files, the files must end with the _readMapping.txt suffix or errors will occur.

Example usage

Using our prior working example, we can set up the path finding commands in the following code block. For reference, I have made a new subdirectory in the output folder called vcf_files_imputed and will place imputed hVCF files there:

./phg find-paths \
    --path-keyfile data/key_files/path_finding_data.txt \
    --hvcf-dir output/vcf_files \
    --reference-genome output/updated_assemblies/Ref.fa \
    --path-type haploid \
    --output-dir output/vcf_files_imputed

This command has the following required parameters:

  • --path-keyfile or --read-file but not both:
    • --path-keyfile - name and path of a tab-delimited keyfile that contains a list of the read-mapping files or read files (FASTQ).
      • In the working example, I have made a keyfile and placed it in the key_files folder under the data directory. The keyfile looks something like this:
        sampleName  filename
        LineA_B output/read_mappings/LineA_LineB_1_readMapping.txt
      • If you wish to skip the prior manual map-kmers step, the data in the keyfile can also be paths to FASTQ data (see the "Read Mapping" section for further details)
      • ℹ️ Note
        The keyfile must have two columns labeled sampleName and filename if you are specifying paths to read-mapping files. If you are using paths to FASTQ data, you may add another column to your keyfile, labelled filename2, only if your FASTQ data is paired-end.

      • ℹ️ Note
        The samples in the sampleName must be unique and must match prior keyfile data from the "Read Mapping" steps.

      • ℹ️ Note
        If an output hVCF for a sample name already exists in the output directory, the sample will be skipped.

    • --read-file - FASTQ samples or read-mapping files as a comma-separated list.
      • If bypassing the manual map-kmers step, paths to FASTQ files can be used. Either 1 (for single-end) or 2 (for paired-end) comma-separated files can be input this way.
      • If specifying read-mapping files, comma-separated paths to files must have the _readMapping.txt suffix to work.
  • --hvcf-dir - The directory containing the hvcf used to build the haplotype graph used for imputation.
  • --reference-genome - The name and path to the reference genome fasta or fastq file.
  • --output-dir - The directory where the output hVCFs will be written. One file will be written for each sample, and the output file name will be <sample name>.h.vcf.
  • --path-type: The type of path to be imputed. The value must be either haploid or diploid

Optional parameters

Additional optional parameters may also be set to optimize your imputation pipeline. Please see the proceeding section ("Likely Ancestors") for more information on how to leverage a set of the following parameters.

Parameter name Description Default value
--out-parents-dir The directory where the imputed parents (ancestors) will be written for each sample. File names will be _imputed_parents.txt. If no directory name is supplied, the files will not be written. ""
--prob-correct The probability that a mapped read was mapped correctly. 0.99
--prob-same-gamete The probability of transitioning to the same gamete (sample) in the next reference range. This should be equal to 1 - (probability of a recombination). Probability of a recombination can be estimated as the total number of expected recombinations in a sample divided by the number of reference ranges 0.99
--min-gametes The minimum number of gametes with a haplotype in a reference range. Reference ranges with fewer gametes will not be imputed. 1
--min-reads The minimum number of reads per reference range. Reference ranges with fewer reads will not be imputed. If --min-reads = 0, all reference ranges will be imputed 0
--inbreeding-coefficient The estimated coefficient of inbreeding for the samples being evaluated. Only used for diploid path type. The value must be between 0.0 and 1.0 0.0
--max-reads-per-kb ReferenceRanges with more than max-reads-per-kb will not be imputed. 1000
--use-likely-ancestors The value must be true or false. This indicates whether the most likely ancestors of each sample will be used for path finding. false
--max-ancestors If --use-likely-ancestors = true, use at most max-ancestors. Integer.MAX_VALUE
--min-coverage If --use-likely-ancestors = true, use the fewest number of ancestors that together have this proportion of mappable reads. The values must be between 0.5 and 1.0 1.0
--likely-ancestor-file If --use-likely-ancestors = true, a record of the ancestors used for each sample will be written to this file, if a file name is provided. ""
--threads The number of threads used to find paths. 3

Likely ancestors

The term "ancestors" refers to the taxa or samples (i.e., assemblies) used to construct the haplotype graph used for imputation. The term "ancestors" is used because the model considers the haplotypes in the graph to represent the potential ancestral haplotypes from which the samples to be imputed were derived.

In some scenarios, limiting the number of ancestors used to impute a sample will be useful. Some examples include:

  • if some samples were derived from an F1 cross and the individuals used to build the graph include those parents, using only those parents for imputation can improve accuracy.
  • Also, because imputing diploid paths is more computationally intensive than haploid paths, limiting the number of ancestors used per sample may be necessary to control the amount of time required to impute each sample.

To restrict the number of ancestors used, set the --use-likely-ancestors parameter to true, and provide a value for either --max-ancestors or --min-coverage. For the case where the samples have been derived from a limited number of ancestors setting --min-coverage to 0.95 or --max-ancestors to the expected number of ancestors is a useful strategy. In either case, providing a name for the output file saves a record of the ancestors used for each sample and should be checked to make sure the samples behaved as expected.

When using this method, ancestors are chosen by first counting the number of reads for a sample that map to each ancestor in the haplotype graph. The ancestor with the most mapped reads is chosen. Next the reads not mapping to first chosen ancestor are used to count reads mapping to the remaining ancestors and the ancestor with the most reads is selected. This is repeated until either the proportion of reads mapping to the selected ancestors >= --min-coverage or the number ancestors selected equals --max-ancestors. If a name is provided for the --likely-ancestor-file, the chosen ancestors are written to that file in the order they were chosen along with the cumulative coverage, which is the proportion of reads mapping to each ancestor and the previously chosen ones.

General output and next steps

Now that we have newly imputed hVCF data, our example working directory looks like the following:

├── data
│   └── short_reads
│   │   ├── LineA_LineB_1.fq
│   │   └── LineA_LineB_2.fq
│   ├── anchors.gff
│   ├── Ref-v5.fa
│   ├── LineA-final-01.fa
│   └── LineB-final-04.fa
├── output
│   ├── alignment_files/
│   ├── ref_ranges.bed
│   ├── updated_assemblies
│   │   ├── Ref.fa
│   │   ├── LineA.fa
│   │   └── LineB.fa
│   ├── vcf_files
│   │   ├── LineA.h.vcf
│   │   └── LineB.h.vcf
│   │   vcf_files_imputed *
│   │   └── LineA_B.h.vcf * 
│   └── read_mappings
│       └── LineA_LineB_1_readMapping.txt
└── vcf_dbs
    ├── assemblies.agc
    ├── gvcf_dataset/
    ├── hvcf_dataset/
    ├── hvcf_files/
    ├── reference/
    └── temp/

Similar to the "Build and Load" steps, we can now load this data into our TileDB instance using the load-vcf command:

./phg load-vcf \
    --vcf-dir output/vcf_files_imputed \
    --db-path vcf_dbs \
    --threads 10

This command takes three parameters:

  • --vcf-dir - Directory containing hVCF data. Since I have imputed data in a specific subdirectory, I will use the path output/vcf_files_imputed
  • --db-path - Path to the directory containing the TileDB instances.
  • --threads - Number of threads for use by the TileDB loading procedure.

Create g.vcf files (OPTIONAL)

Our imputed hVCF files provide data on a haplotype level. If desired we can take the hVCF files and create gVCF files. This provides SNP level data and is done using the hvcf2gvcf command:

./phg hvcf2gvcf \
    --hvcf-dir output/vcf_files_imputed \
    --db-path vcf_dbs \
    --reference-file output/updated_assemblies/Ref.fa \
    --output-dir output/gvcf_files

This command takes 4 parameters:

  • --hvcf-dir - Directory containing hVCF data. Since I have imputed data in a specific subdirectory, I will use the path output/vcf_files_imputed
  • --db-path - Path to the directory containing the TileDB instances.
  • --reference-file - The reference genome fasta file.
  • --output-dir - The directory to place the gVCF files.